Earth Energy Healing Newsletter #80 August 31, 2016 Anchoring New Earth Grids (3)

Published: Wed, 08/31/16

Earth Energy Healing Newsletter #80
Anchoring New Earth Grids (3)
August 31, 2016

Anchoring New Earth Grids: Ley Lines
Healing Damaged Ancient Grids: Atlantean Karmic Grids
Freeing and Healing Gaia's Rivers

Dear Earth Healers,

I wasn't sure whether I would have time to get out a Newsletter this month, but Spirit placed it at the top my always full to-do list today. This Newsletter covers three projects where I have been aware of activity this past month and talks briefly about the upcoming September Equinox. 

Anchoring New Earth Grids: Gaia's Ley Lines. After last month's anchoring of New Earth energies in Mother Earth's chakras, focusing on ley lines was a logical next step.  Ley Lines, or Dragon Lines as they are called in Asia, have been recognized as an important aspect of Mother Earth's energy field since ancient times. The EEH Network's work on healing damaged ancient grids has been closely related to healing damaged ley lines.  The focus here is again on helping anchor New Earth energies into the ley lines as a way to support the ongoing healing process.  For more information about the array on Windgather Mesa pictured below see​​​​​​​ FBLink1.
Healing Damaged Ancient Grids: Atlantean Karmic Grids. As I noted in the EEH FB postings on the array below I am sharing it here because there may be other EEH members in addition to myself who are aware of having healed or are in the process of healing karmic issues related to lifetimes in Atlantis.  If this resonates, I encourage you to check out the link about this array:  FBLink2.

Freeing and Healing Gaia's Rivers.  The Saskatchewan and Nelson Rivers in Canada were added to the FGR grid in response to Jane Reading's August New Moon Water Meditation.  For more information see  FBLink3.​​​​​​​
September Equinox The anchoring of New Earth energies since the June Solstice seems to be leading up to some sort of shift around the September Equinox.  Windgather Mesa is full to overflowing, as can be seen in the picture below,, though there is expansion space for at least one more array next month related to New Earth energies.  Usually I have some foreshadowing of directions the EEH Network may take.  Not now.  October and beyond are filled with unknown potentialities.  Stay tuned. 

Blessings, Love and Light,


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