Earth Energy Healing Newsletter # 89 The Crystalline Grid: Quartzite Glacial Erratics

Published: Fri, 02/16/18

Earth Energy Healing Newsletter #89 The Crystalline Grid: Quartzite Glacial Erratics
February 16, 2018

Dear Earth Healers,

After things being pretty quiet the last six month in terms of my Earth energy work it took a quantum leap with the New Moon/Eclipse Gateway this past week, and now things feel like they are moving at lightspeed.  I'll have more specifics to share at some point once I stop feeling like I'm continually running to catch up with myself. In the meantime I'd like to share about a newly emerged aspect of the Crystalline Grid, the primary energetic grid that is anchoring the New Earth while humanity takes a little longer to make the shift collectively. 

The photo above shows me standing on a large quartzite boulder that I first found in 2010 at a remote location in the "unglaciated" part of Brown County, Indiana, when I was doing field work for the Sycamore Land Trust. Quartzite is metamorphosed sandstone and the nearest location this could have come from is the Canadian shield. It was an exciting find requiring a re-evaluation of the glacial history of southern Indiana but at the time I didn't know when I would have time to study it further.  When I retired last year Spirit gave me the delightful gift of finding new locations for these glacial erratic boulders (I have now found more than 100 ranging in size from 10 inches to 42 inches--0.25 to > 1 m) and embarking on a project to re-write the pre-Illinoian glacial history of southern Indiana. It wasn't until recently that I realized that these quartzite boulders could also be linked energetically and tied into the crystalline grid to assist in bringing in the phenomenal ongoing solar and cosmic energetic influxes to the planet. The Google Earth image below shows some of the locations where the boulders are. If anyone would like to receive a kmz file that would allow you to zoom in on the locations and see images of the boulders on Google Earth for most of the locations let me know and I'll send it to you.

Blessings, Love and Light,


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