Earth Energy Healing Newsletter #92 Linking New Earth Grids and Crystalline-Human Heart Grid Linkages (3 to 5)
March 5, 2019
Dear Earth Healers,
It's almost been 6 months since I last sent out a newsletter, though as the picture above shows Windgather Mesa has been active with all the arrays shown put in place since the last newsletter. The EEH FB page has provided a place to post information on new arrays as they develop and provide a little more information about them than is easily included in a newsletter. The page also provides an opportunity the reach
others who do not receive the newsletter. I recognize that Facebook is not an ideal venue and regret that it is not readily accessible to EEH members who choose not to join (a choice a fully respect).
One other bit of news is that I have completed a long-overdue update if the EEH website. The main changes are an expanded index of the diverse ways in which the network has engaged in Earth healing over the years with links to relevant
newsletters and FB EEH postings where further information can be found. I've also updated the Newsletter archives page to include titles and links to all newsletter prior to this one.
Linking New Earth Grids: Elemental Points of Light, Upper Mantle, Golden Solar Discs, Karst and Quartzite. This emerged last fall when EEH member Pat wrote to say that she and her husband were
planning a trip to Scotland and offered to faciliate any on-the-ground Earth energy work. What emerged was the creation of linkages between a number of New Earth grids the EEH Network has worked with for years (POLs, Upper Mantle, and to a lesser extent the Golden Solar Disk grid) and Karst and Quartzite, several emerging New Earth Grids. For more information on this see the original FB posting, January
21, 2019.
Linking the Crystaline and Human Heart Grids. The previous EEH Newsletter described new work linking the Crystalline and Human Heart Grids. This has continued, with each new focus
providing opportunities for adding to the Upper Mantle, Karst and Quartzite grids. Below is a listing the the 5 arrays that are currently on Windgather Mesa with links to more information about each.
Crystalline-HHG Linkage (1): Xinjiang Uighar Autonomous Region (EEH Newsletter #91 September 2018)
Crystalline-HHG Linkage (2):Washington, DC and Wall Street (EEH Newsletter #91 September 2018)
As many of you who are also friends with me on FB know, I am recovering from a bout of pneumonia that had me in the hospital for four days. Though I am still far from being able to resume full physical activity I am grateful that I'm feeling good enough to get this newsletter out.
Blessings, Love and Light,