Personal Message for Readers of EEH Newsletter and Great Shift Blog
April 9,
Dear Earth Healers and Great Shifters,
The intensity of the energetic influxes and my multidimensional work of the first three months of 2018 has left me exhausted. Except for bits and pieces, much of what I see happening in my own life and the larger world doesn't make sense to me, yet my trust is unshakable that there is
a larger picture that I am unable to see right now that does make sense. For the foreseeable future I will be focusing on family, friends, homestead and studying the glacial geology of southern Indiana. Amidst the tiredness and puzzlement one thing keeps running through my mind: I am here on Gaia for the long run. I'll resume sending out EEH newsletter and Great Shift blogs when the time is right.
I found the rose quartzite pictured above 50 years ago when I was a fledgling geologist in southwestern Ohio. I have recently gained a new appreciation of the special support that quartzite offers to humanity as part of the crystalline grid during these transformative times. Heat and pressure from tectonic compression recrystallize sandstone quartz grains into an interlocking mosaic in quartzite, a rock type that remains after other rocks have
succumbed to weathering and erosion. The stone above was plucked from the Canadian Shield by glacial ice, ground to smoothness by abrasion against other rocks and given a final polish by tumbling in glacial meltwaters. Likewise, there is a strength and beauty that arises from human experience over many lifetimes shaped by pain and suffering as we become more crystalline. The rock above is suffused by a luminous pink that comes from traces of the iron oxide hematite, just as
the iron in hemoglobin colors the red blood that runs through our veins. I gain strength and encouragement from the resonance my heart feels with the rose quartzite.
In the meantime, the shift is happening. Hang in there. Stay grounded..
Blessings, Love and