Carrying the Load Lightly. At one level, this year has been the hardest I can remember. I reached a low point on the June solstice, feeling weighed down by the burdens and responsibilities that I carried to the point where my usual mantras for such times no longer worked (I signed up for this, and This, too, shall pass). I
was fortunate to be with a small group of Lightworker friends that day who gathered around and helped lift me up energetically. In a follow-up energy session with one of them a simple message came through: Carry the load lightly. This has become my new mantra. I'll offer some ways that I've found to carry the load lightly.
1. Send Love into the Human Heart Grid. Lately I have had so many experiences that could easily have closed down my heart that it's become automatic for me in challenging situations to send love into the human heart grid. There is no limit to the amount of love that is available for us to
tap into, and feeling the flow from Source through my energy field into the grid that connects all humans is soothing.
2. Step by Step. In past blogs I described feeling like a juggler keeping a dozen balls in the air. As long as I kept focused on the ball/task at hand I was able to carry on without becoming paralyzed. That image stopped working for me when it became three dozen balls. That image has been replaced by calendar and task apps that help me take things a
step at a time. My active to do list usually includes more than four dozen items. Any new task that is time sensitive goes on my calendar that syncs across two computers and my phone. Once it's on the calendar I forget about it until it comes up.The task list is constantly being added to, checked off, and reordered. Whatever is at the top of the list is the one I focus on unless it is routine or the energies call for spontaneity.
3. Accept/Ask For Help. Help from friends always makes it easier to carry the load lightly. When family or friends from the physical plane aren't nearby, higher dimensional help is always
4. Tune in to Earth's Beauty and/or Children. The picture of my youngest granddaughter above says it all. Walking the perimeter trail on our homestead is also a source of great strength to me.