Great Shift Blog #43 Getting from Here to There (2): Holding the Frequency
March 11, 2020
Dear fellow travelers,
This blog continues to explore the question How will we get from here to there? (collectively) by focusing on being "there" now through holding the frequencies of the New Earth in the present moment.
The Frequencies of the New Earth are Already Here at a Personal/Local Level. We create the New Earth moment by moment by being who we are, wherever we are, through love, caring, respect, and healing to
release energies that no longer serve ourselves and others. In Great Shift Blog #37 (Creating the New Earth at the Family Level) I shared how this is possible at the family level. The energies of the New Earth are strong at sacred sites, among indigenous peoples, wherever people come together to
create community, to heal, to make peace, to challenge injustice.
Many Ways to Hold the Frequency. I find it easier to hold the frequency myself when I look around and see the many ways others are holding the frequency. I have friends who have been on a conscious spiritual/healing journey for
many years and focus primarily on what brings them joy and thereby create an energetic pull to move the collective in a positive direction. A similar energetic pull is created by the many anchoring lightworkers I know who don't have to
be on a conscious spiritual path, or share my understanding of multidimensional reality to bring light into the planet. Many inspire me through their work at an energetic level for human and Earth healing, and many more inspire me through their work as positive change agents to transform dysfunctional social, economic, political and religious institutions.
The Coronavirus as an Opportunity to Hold the Frequency. Positive energy is created whenever fear is felt, acknowledged and released, and the caronavirus can serve as a good catalyst for addressing fear. As I observe my own
responses to the developing global pandemic I am struck how it has heightened my sensitivity to the way hands function as a pathway for transmitting viruses and bacteria between people, and how relatively small changes (care in how I touch my face with my hands, how I touch objects that others touch, hand-washing frequency) can serve to improve personal health and reduce the likelihood of transmitting viruses (of any kind) to others. When I take care of myself, I benefit others as
well. I can feel this enhanced self-awareness rewiring neural pathways in my brain in a positive way. At the same time, my heart goes out to those who are feeling pain from the loss of loved ones who have died as a result of the virus. I see many others responding this way as well, and there is a positive collective energy being created by that.
In the meantime, the shift is happening. Hang in there. Stay grounded.
Blessings, Love and Light,