Dear fellow travelers,
I know many are feeling stretched at all levels by what’s happening on planet Earth right now. Lately Spirit has been pushing me to the edge of, and beyond, my comfort level on several fronts. It’s uncomfortable! Of course, that’s the point. Discomfort creates the conditions for growth and expansion at both the personal and collective level.
By some reckonings we are in Year 9 of the New Earth. I will admit that my hopes for the future nine years ago were that there would be more evidence of expression of the New Earth in the physical plane by this time, though it is certainly there, if you know where to look. It is also coming up 19 years since my own awakening in 2002 to a conscious spiritual path of service to Mother Earth and humanity. I am calling this blog personal reflections on
the journey from mid-stream because in another 19 years (2040), when I am 93, it may be possible to look back and discern whether humanity has awakened sufficiently to make a collective shift to the New Earth.
Will we make a collective shift? I don't know, and having lost the confidence I once had, I trust that by carrying on, I help create a positive energy that improves the likelihood that we will.
At a personal level, four days before the June solstice I noticed feeling an exceptional degree of physical vitality for working outside, a feeling that remained with me, even when events piled up around the time of my birthday at the end of June that left the biopersonality Russell feeling crushed flat. It felt like a sort of shamanic deathing that required carrying on with an open heart until the biopersonality reassembled. A similar confluence of
events occurred this past week and continues, with a difference. When I feel stretched to the breaking point my heart expands in loving connection with countless others who are feeling stretched. We are all in this together. With that sense of connection a calming sense of tranquility arises.
The Lavender strand that encircles the mineral array pictured above expresses the potential for tranquility amidst the fire, drought, storms and violence. Rose Quartzite is sandstone metamorphosed through intense heat and pressure to create interlocking recrystallized quartz grains that form one of the most durable rocks on Earth. It has become luminous through being ground and polished by glacial ice and flowing water, and for me is a perfect metaphor
for human incarnational experience on Earth. Below it are two pieces of Fulgurite, durable remains of soil particles fused by lightning strikes. Perhaps the challenges that we face collectively can serve to bring humanity together in a new way.
In July, after several years of my wondering whether the woefully out-of-date Great Shift website was an indication that this aspect of my work was winding down, Spirit put updating the website on the top of my to do list (link at bottom of the page). Of the 1,263 people who have subscribed at one time or another to the mailings I have sent out, 910 are unsubscribed, 353 are actively subscribed, and 212 of you have been with me since before the end of 2012.
Thank you all, for joining me on this journey!
At the personal and collective level we are in uncharted territory. Since March I have been working on a new project titled Shifting the Human Extinction Trajectory towards a Positive Future. I'm nearing completion of Version 4. If anyone would like to receive the link and provide input before I make it more widely available, let me know.
In the meantime, hold the frequency, stay grounded, carry on.